
Life is full of choices, as a life coach I will help you find the right one for you.


VNB - Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V
VNB is an officially acknowledged state-wide adult educational institution in Lower Saxony / Germany, founded in 1984. It is as well an umbrella organisation with a network of more than 200 adult educational member organisations and not-for-profit cooperation partners. Major topics of VNB educational work are of public, social and political interest, such as migration and integration, sustainable development, family and intergenerational education, gender and LGBTI* education, global learning, and many more. These activities are implemented solely or in co-operation with educational partners on regional, national or transnational level. VNB has a special interest in developing innovative initiatives for a diverse and inclusive education, addressing adult learners as well as staff members in adult and vocational education.
Synthesis Center For Research And Education Limited
SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education is a pioneering organization which initiates and implements projects of social impact, with a focus on social inclusion. SYNTHESIS is the leading organization in Cyprus in the fields of social entrepreneurship and social innovation. It founded HUB NICOSIA, an educational center, with cultural, environmental, and social aims. SYNTHESIS runs the “Social Café,” a unique initiative aiming at the empowerment of migrants, refugees, and other vulnerable groups. As an adult education provider and an accredited VET institution, SYNTHESIS focuses on the development of training programs, curricula, that enhance the personal, entrepreneurial, and employment skills of people, particularly those who are experiencing or at risk of social exclusion including refugees and asylum seekers, NEET youth, women, senior citizens, youth, and adults with learning or emotional difficulties, people with disabilities, and people with fewer opportunities due to cultural, social, or financial barriers. SYNTHESIS also delivers an action program for refugees and asylum seekers, consisting of language courses, professional training as well as entrepreneurial and soft skills development. As an intermediate organization for the “Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs,” SYNTHESIS offers inclusive training and mentoring opportunities to aspiring entrepreneurs across Europe
Rightchallenge - Associação
The Rightchallenge Association is a non-governmental organisation which aims at the promotion of vocational education and training as a means of social inclusion and equal opportunities. We believe that education must focus in the integral development of all people - independently of social status, age, or gender – in order to prepare them to intervene and participate in all dimensions of society, such as family, work, community and leisure. So, as an organisation actively engaged with the community, one of our pillars is lifelong learning, because we have the conviction that it’s essential to sustainable development, as it promotes active, democratic and responsible citizenship among citizens. Rightchallenge activities are aimed to ensure quality and access to non-formal education and to overcome the deficits in access to lifelong learning in Portugal, while promoting the valorisation of human capital and generating value in organisations by providing integrated training services. Rightchallenge recognises that non-formal education and lifelong are extremely important to develop social, emotional and cognitive competences, while promoting the individuals’ personal fulfilment and well-being. As an organisation who strives for the holistic development, we promote and develop positive transformations in society and facilitate the access of learning opportunities for citizens who face educational attainment obstacles
Exeo Lab Srl
Exeo Lab is a multivalent, flexible young company that envisions a sustainability-driven society. Exeo Lab is working to demonstrate that local development is the key to attracting projects, skills, opportunities and networks for community growth. Exeo Lab is a partnership of policy specialists, whose founding members have more than a decade of actual experience in consulting services to public and private entities. Its field of expertise lies with research and territorial analysis through innovative tools and technologies, in order to support policy design for public administration at the national and regional level and especially in the innovative and emerging sectors. Also, Exeo Lab provides SMEs and innovative startups with advanced assistance in the field of business development, investment strategies, technology transfer and R&S: Exeo Lab specializes in several key areas, including policy development for territorial development programs co-financed by European and National Funds. They also offer support to SMEs in planning and managing business development strategies for local and international market competitiveness. In the field of social entrepreneurship, Exeo Lab provides tailored advice and mentoring to young startuppers and vulnerable individuals for establishing new social enterprises and delivering innovative social services, particularly in rural and peripheral areas. Additionally, they assist enterprises in identifying and accessing new markets through their extensive international business network. Moreover, Exeo Lab actively participates in regional, national, and transnational projects focused on creating developmental opportunities, especially related to entrepreneurship, social inclusion, and work integration.
VAEV Research and Development Agency GmbH
VAEV R&D GmbH (VAEV Research & Development Agency GmbH) is the private extension of VAEV (Vienna Association of Education Volunteers), a non-profit organization with multi-year experience in the implementation of Erasmus+ projects. VAEV R&D GmbH aims to enhance and promote education by cooperating with local schools and education centres on the development of comprehensive and updated curricula with the skills and competencies needed for the 21st century. Specifically, VAEV R&D GmbH empowers people by providing community-based coaching as well as educational and career opportunities for women and especially young women living in disadvantaged contexts, such as rural areas, who have less access to education, training and job opportunities as well as people with disabilities and with a migrant background. Through its activities and projects, VAEV R&D GmbH involves a great number of people from these target groups. We aim to spread commitment to modernization of education, through the usage of technology and online tools, as well as promoting peace, democracy, diversity, and inclusion in education by supporting schools, youth and education centres, special education centres, and all other relevant NGOs working in this field. VAEV R&D GmbH promotes career guidance, coaching, training to the support of starting entrepreneurs and women with less access to education and training opportunities, it cooperates with other NGOs and social organizations to promote policy changes for improvements of access to welfare and the labour market. The scope of VAEV R&D GmbH is to provide flexible non-formal education programs and coaching in various fields within the framework of lifelong learning. It has oriented its services toward the main guidelines and priorities stressed out by the European Commission. Focus is given to skills training and initiatives that will enable people to be active in social and professional life
RightChallenge is a non-governmental organization that aims to promote education and training centered on the themes of social inclusion and equal opportunities. The organization promotes active, responsible, and democratic citizenship through education and partnering with a range of stakeholders. RightChallenge provides elementary and family education, vocational training, health and rehabilitation, housing and care services, and work and activities for specific groups. RightChallenge believes that education is an integral part of the development of the person in order to prepare them to participate and intervene in all dimensions of society including family, work, community, and leisure. So, as an organization actively engaged with the community, RightChallenge provides consultancy services and curriculum design in the field of adult education and community development and supports communities at risk of social exclusion with volunteering opportunities and socio-educational programs aiming to improve digital and media literacy skills.